Monday, December 20, 2010

Game Design

In our game the player will have to drive their vehicle to school each day, and be able to park their car. They will have to buy there gas and calculate the greenhouse gas emissions that they produce. We will make many new and different challenges throughout the many levels of our game to keep it interesting to the player. So far we have made paper prototyping of our game,and made videos about our game explaining how our game will work. We have yet to make any form of demo for the game.    

Friday, December 10, 2010

Uploading paper prototype

We have uploaded the photos of our paper prototyping, along with the video of our prototyping. We have been working these past few days on each of these projects, along with explaining the many different aspects of our game. We have also had to show how our game shows its links to S.T.E.M.